International Conference Papers
B1. De Georgia M, Deogaonkar A, Berker M, Sabharwal V, Rasmussen P, Mayberg M. “Fever after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Worsens Outcome” American Academy of Neurology 56 th Annual meeting in San Francisco, 2004. Published in Neuroloy Vol 62(7), Supplement 5;P05.015;pg A367. April 2004.
B2. Berker M, Deogankar A, Sabharwal V, Rasmussen P, Mayberg M, DeGeorgia M. Predicting outcome after subarachnoid hemorrhage using the NIHSS score. Neurocritical care 2003: A global summit on critical care for cerebrovascular disease. Cleveland, Ohio, USA, September 5-6,. Oral presentation, 2003. Published in Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine Vol 71, Supplement 1, Abstract 9; pg S62. January 2004.
B3. DeGeorgia M, Deogaonkar A, Berker M, Krishnaney A, Haskok S, Rasmussen P, Mayberg M. Multimodal monitoring in patients with cerebral vasospasm following aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage. American Academy of Neurology 55 th Annual meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii, 2003. Published in Neurology Vol 60(5) Supplement 1;S63.004; pg A515, March 2003.
B4. Deogaonkar A, Berker M, Mayberg M, Rasmussen P, DeGeorgia M. Multimodal monitoring usıng neurotrend ın neurointensive care unit: Utility in patients with cerebral vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage. 4th National Conference of Indian Society of Neuroanesthesiology & Critical care Jan 11 th & Jan 12 th 2003 Calcutta, India. Oral presentation
B5. Gurer G, Demirci M, Nurlu G, Berker M. Spectral and non-linear dynamic features of heart rate variability in brain death. XVII World Congress of Neurology London 17-22 June 2001. J Neurological Sciences 187. suppl 1:S130, June 15, 2001
B6. Aldur MM, Berker M, Çelik HH, Sargon FM,Uğur Y, Dağdeviren A.The ultrastructure and ımmunohıstochemıstry of septum pellucıdum in man. Symposium internationale quartum anatomiae clinicae6-8 October 2000 Varna, Bulgarıa. Scripta Scientifica Medica, vol.XXXII, Suppl.(1), 2000.
B7. Berker M, Atalay B, Çetinkaya Y, Özcan OE, Özgen T. New antimicrobial prophylaxis recommendations for neurosurgical procedures in Hacettepe. 12th International intensive care symposium May 18-20 İstanbul, abstract book, P25; pg:37, 2000
B8. Berker M, Çetinkaya Y, Deniz FE, Ünal S, Aydeniz S, Özcan OE, Özgen T. Nosocomial infection surveillance in the neurosurgical intensive care unit at Hacettepe University Hospital in 1998 and 1999. 12th International intensive care symposium May 18-20 İstanbul, abstract book, P25; pg:38, 2000
B9. Özalp Y, Özdemir N, Hasırcı V, Kocagöz S, Berker M, Söylemezoğlu F,Palaoğlu S. Vancomycin loaded PLA and PLGA membranes:treatment of brain abscess in rat. 14th European Conference on Biomaterials, The Hague, The Netherlands.15-18 September 1998
B10. Açıkgöz B, Usseli İ, Akpınar G, Tekkök İH, Berker M, Özgen T. Carpal Tunnel Mıcrosurgery with a minute transverse skin incision. EANS Winter Meeting, Abstract book page 37, İstanbul, 1998
B11. Usseli İ, Akpınar G, Tekkök İH, Berker M, Açıkgöz B. Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Application in Neurosurgical Patients. EANS Winter Meeting, Abstract book page 114, İstanbul, 1998
B12. Akpınar G, Usseli İ, Açıkgöz B, Tekkök İH, Berker M. Prognostic significance of brain metabolism in the outcome of patient with head injury. EANS Winter Meeting, Abstract book page 115, İstanbul, 1998
B13. Usseli İ, Berker M, Akpınar G, Açıkgöz A. Chordoma in pineal region, an unexpected entıty: case report EANS Winter Meeting, Abstract book page 146, İstanbul, 1998
B14. Oruçkaptan H, Mut M, Berker M, Benli K, Bertan V. Brain Stem Hematomas : Analyses of surgically treated six patients. EANS Winter Meeting Abstract book page 147, İstanbul, 1998
B15. Berker M, Özgen T, Usseli İ, Oruçkaptan H, Açıkgöz A. A Cyst of Rathke’s Cleft With Stalk Syndrome and Transsphenoidal Approach. EANS Winter Meeting Abstract book page 148, İstanbul, 1998
B16. Berker M, Palaoğlu S, Çırak B, Atalay B, Arıoğul S, Söylemezoğlu F. Cervical Tuberculous Spondylıtıs Assocıated with Systemıc Lupus Erythematosus :Case report and review of the literature. EANS Winter Meeting Abstract book page 149, İstanbul, 1998
B17. Turgut M, Berkman Z, Caner H, Berker M, Benli K, Bertan V, Erbengi A. Protruded lumbar intervertebral disc in Childhood and Adolescence. 17 th Congress of Middle East Neurosurgical Society,May, Antalya. 1988
B18. Berker D, Berker M, Tütüncü Y, et al. Comparision of endoscopic and microscopic endonasal transsfenoidal surgery approaches in acromegalic patients. 92nd Meeting and Expo of the Endocrine Society (ENDO 2010) Jun 19-22,2010 San Dieago CA
Endocrine Reviews Volume 31 Issue 3, suppl.1 Published Jun 2010
B19. Mut M, Oğuz KK, Ayhan S,Söylemezoğlu F, Berker M, et al. Imagıng features in parenchymal lymphomatous masses in brain:primary CNS lymphoma or systemic involvement 8th Congress of European_Association-for Neuro-Oncology(EANO)Sep 12- 14, 2008 Barcelona, SPAIN.Neuro-Oncology Vol:10 Issue:6 Pg:1086-1086 Published:Dec 2008
B20. Tütüncü Y, Berker D, Söylemezoğlu F, Aydın Y, Berker M, Işık S, Delibaşı T, Güler S. Cushing Disease Accompanying Rathke Cleft Cyst.(PS49) Meeting Of the European Neuroendocrine Association (ENEA), October 17-20, Antalya,2008
B21. Berker D, Berker M, Tütüncü Y, Aydın Y, Işık S, Akcıl G, Delibası T, Güler S. Effect of different surgical approaches on Management of acromegaly.(OC2.20) Meeting Of the European Neuroendocrine Association (ENEA), October 17-20, Antalya,2008
B22. Berker M, Yücel T, Ayhan S, Ögretmenoglu O, Önerci M, Ozgen T. Endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal approach for sellar pathologies: Hacettepe experience. IV Rhinology III Word congress for endoscopic surgery of the brain,skull base and spine.May 22-24 Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2008
B23. Berker D, Berker M, Aydın Y, Tütüncü Y, , Işık S, Delibası T, Güler S. Does Ocreotide Treatment make surgery difficult due to fibrosis? (OC2.21)
Meeting Of the European Neuroendocrine Association (ENEA), October 17-20, Antalya,2008
B24. Akın Ş, Berker M, Işıkay İ, Gürlek A. Treating prolactinoma by endoscopic endonasal pituitary surgery:surgical experience of 151 cases. 16th European Congress of Endocrinology 2014. 3-7 May 2014 Wroclaw, Poland.
B25. Cagiltay, N.E., Berker M. Ozcelik, E. Problems of endoneurosurgery education: a case study in Turkey, 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Madrid, 2nd-4th of March, 2015.
B26 .Berker M., Cagiltay, N.E., Isikay, I. (2015). Simulations for Surgical Education: A case study for endoneurosurgery, 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Madrid, 2nd-4th of March, 2015.
B27. Berker, M., Cagiltay, N.E., Isikay, I., Tuner, E., Unal, B., Erol, B. (2014). Simulation in Endoneurosurgery Education: a case study in Pituitary Surgery, 3rd Simulation in Medical Education Conference, Hacettepe University, 13-15 November, 2014, Ankara Turkey, SIMEC2014 (
B28. Cereci, I., Cagiltay, N.E., Berker M. (2013), Technology enhanced Surgery Education environments: requirements and system models, The International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Healthcare, 25-27 Athens, Greece, 2013 proceedings book, pp 78-83. (
B29. Cagiltay, N.E., Berker M., Cereci, İ. (2013). Teknoloji ile Zenginleştirilmiş Öğrenme Ortamlarında Cerrah Eğitimi: Gereksinimler, 7. Uluslar arası Bilgisayar ve Öğretim teknolojileri Sempozyumu, 6-8 Haziran 2013, Erzurum.